natural birth stories

15 Women Share Their Natural Birth Stories – All Different!

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For anyone who is planning to have a natural birth, it can be comforting to read other people’s natural birth stories. This is a great way to prepare for an unmedicated birth. Even for the stories that talk about the pain of birth, you almost always hear that they were glad they did it, and they would do it again.

In this article, you will read birth stories that were quick and easy, long and hard, and a few that are extremely rare!

labor, natural birth, natural childbirth,

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The Mega List of Birth Stories From Moms Who Had Unmedicated Births

  • In Hospitals
  • At Home
  • And Some Unexpected Circumstances!

woman giving birth, in labor in bathtub

1. Betty from MomBrite says: 

“I had non-medicated births for both of my children. For both births, my dilation progressed extremely slowly. Therefore, I was experiencing strong, painful contractions but cannot push in fear of tearing my cervix.

For my son, I was at a hospital that only had a 2% success rate when it comes to non-medicated births, and soon after I arrived at the hospital, I could tell why. The nurse kept pushing the epidural, reminding me every time she came in that the epidural was there, and I could get it if I want it. When my contractions were getting really painful, my husband helped do hip compressions and encouraged me to be strong for our baby. He asked to switch to a nurse who had more experience in non-medicated births and after nearly 12 hours at the hospital, with 5 hours of full-on contractions, I was able to deliver my baby successfully without epidural.

For my daughter, I was at a hospital that promoted natural, non-medicated birth. The nurses were all supportive and gave me tips on how to manage the pain naturally. When contractions got really strong (keep in mind I couldn’t push because I wasn’t dilated to 10 cm yet), the nurses comforted me, saying things like “you are doing so good, we are almost there. You can do it for your baby.” The nurses also gave my husband suggestions on how to help relieve some of my pain. It makes a world of difference to have such encouraging nurses behind you when you are going through non-medicated birth.

My advice to anyone who is considering having a natural birth is that you need to find a good support team. Your husband needs to be on-board because when you are in pain, he is going to be your advocate and make sure you are getting the support you need at the hospital. When things get tough, you need your husband to be your rock. If possible, ask for doctors and nurses who are experienced in natural births to be the ones delivering your baby. The nurses are who really matters because you will spend the majority of the time during labor with them. I will put this bluntly – natural birth will hurt. A lot. You will need all the support you can get.”

You can check out her website here!

** Don’t forget to check out my friends amazing Belly Only Pregnancy Program, for safe pregnancy exercising and proper nutrition information! She also offers a great Postpartum Program as well!

2. Kelly from Just Our View From Here says:

“To this day I still can’t believe that I did it.  Everyone thought I was crazy to even try and to be honest, I wasn’t really sure I would be able to push through. I had a bit of fear regarding the epidural actually, so I thought I’d give it a whirl. My beautiful son came into the world on August 27, 2016, completely alert and free of drugs.

 I had an induction at the hospital and when the active labor began, it was fast and furious, just like my OB had warned. In truth, I was hoping for gas to take the edge off but when they wheeled in the tank, someone from the previous shift had forgotten to refill it. Apparently, this was not meant to be! By the time I asked for it again, my delivery nurse said,” Nope it’s too late now, won’t do you any good”.

My contractions were on top of each other, and I tried my best to focus on my breathing, and to listen to the nurses’ instructions.  I was about to throw in the towel and request the epidural, thinking I was stuck at 4 cm when they told me I was at 7. A good friend of mine had told me, “Kelly…If you can make it to 7, you can do it!”  What can I say, I’m stubborn. I was so close now! It was like running a marathon and finally seeing the finish line.

Pushing was a relief, and the “Ring of Fire” wasn’t nearly as bad as I had imagined. The adrenaline kicked in and when I finally I felt his head and shoulders release, the relief was instantaneous, and the joy…immeasurable.

So, if you are thinking of having an unmedicated birth, don’t worry about what anyone else thinks or says. You always have a choice, and you can try! If you can’t bear it, it doesn’t mean a darn thing either.  Your beautiful baby will have arrived safely and that’s all that really matters in the end.”

You can check out her website here!

*Don’t forget to check out this all-in-one online prenatal course that’s perfect for preparing you for a natural birth!*

3. Nina from Mama of Five says:

“My first birth was a nightmare. I didn’t have a clue what was going on and the doctors kept offering me drugs that I kept on taking. The whole experience was a blur. I remember looking up and seeing 6 doctors and thinking wow lucky me to have so much help little did I know that they were in the delivery room because there was something wrong. My beautiful baby boy came into the world with a huge cone head due to having an assisted ventouse delivery something I didn’t even know existed.

I literally got pregnant with my second child within months of having the first (they are only 11 months apart). The day I found out I was pregnant I vowed that I wouldn’t have that same experience again. I armed myself with knowledge, I read everything I could about labor and delivery and prepared myself for all the worst-case scenarios I could imagine.

I also read up on how to breathe the baby out, hypnobirthing, breathing techniques, and birthing positions. Thankfully I went on to have a further 4 deliveries all natural and unmedicated. All my babies were over 9lbs at birth with no stitches which I believe was due to the fact that I was so in control.

My one piece of advice to anyone trying to go natural would be to read, read and read. I would much rather know everything and all my options and be able to prepare for any eventuality because to be honest, you cannot plan for anything when it comes to birth.”  

You can check out her website here!

** Pregnancy And Birth Positive Affirmation Cards are a great tool to help you get through naturalbirth affirmation cards childbirth! Grab these printable cards to hang in your house, car, and hospital room! Recite them regularly, and they will be a huge help!

4. Audrey from Hodge Podge Solutions says

“My First Birth:

With my first daughter, my water broke about 11 PM while I was bouncing on the yoga ball. We waited a few hours to make sure contractions had started and then headed for the hospital. I progressed to about 8/9 cms in 12 hours and then I stalled. Labor wasn’t progressing. The baby was transverse. I tried all sorts of different positions. Pitocin was started at about 4 PM. Finally, about 9:30 PM, the baby turned and I was able to deliver her. I was excited because if she hadn’t been in position, they would have done a c-section since it had been almost 24 hours since my water broke.

My second birth:

Exactly a week after her due date, I woke up about 7 AM. My water had broke and my contractions started.  I got up to eat breakfast. I wanted to see if the contractions would get farther apart (they were about 5 minutes apart). After breakfast, I woke up my husband because they were getting closer together.  He took our older daughter to the babysitter’s house while I worked on putting my shoes on. (She lives about five minutes away.) It took me a long time to put my shoes on because the contractions were so strong.  

All I could think was, “How am I going to ride in the car for 30 minutes to the hospital with these contractions?” My doula called me at this point (I had texted her earlier).  Based on my moaning, she told me I was going to have the baby right now; we wouldn’t make it to the hospital. I called out to my husband, who had gotten back and was getting a quick breakfast in the kitchen, that I was pushing!

He came in and got ready to catch the baby as our doula walked us through the birth.  I could feel the baby’s head coming out and it didn’t hurt. I didn’t feel my older daughter come out.  After the head was out, there was one more contraction and my second baby girl was born! My husband caught her!

My advice is to relax and accept that the baby will come when it is ready. Both of my labors started after I accepted this. Also, it very possible to have a natural birth if you have gestational diabetes. I had it with both of my girls.”

You can check out her website here!

** You might also like: The Ultimate Guide to Natural Childbirth: Tips and Tricks from the Pros! 

5. Deborah from The CaveMom says:

“All four of my babies have been born out of the hospital and unmedicated, but my second birth (and later births!) were vastly different from my first for one main reason: Hypnobabies.

After a very difficult birth and recovery with my first, I knew I wanted to do things differently for my second birth. I prepared carefully using the Hypnobabies home study program, faithfully practicing my techniques daily.

My birthing time was about 12 hours, but I never felt overwhelmed or out of control, even during the 50-minute drive to the birth center! In fact, after each contraction, I smiled and thought to myself “I am doing such a great job!”

My baby was born in the water, en caul (in the sack!), and I was able to birth him into my hands and pull him up to my chest myself.

My best piece of advice for a mother thinking about natural childbirth is to prepare! Don’t just go into it thinking you’ll see how it goes. Careful preparation (I recommend Hypnobabies, of course!) will help you have an amazing birth you can look back on with positive feelings and satisfaction.”

You can check out her website here!

** You might also like: The MEGA Pregnancy To Do List for All Three Trimesters! 

6. Emily from Along Came Littles says:

“I went into labor naturally at 41 weeks pregnant exactly, after weeks of trying natural techniques to jumpstart labor. I’d just come home from my 41-week checkup and had set up a time to be induced later that night. My contractions went from bearable to hard and mostly in my back in the time frame of about an hour, but I had my spouse press a heating pad into my back during every contraction and it helped wonders.

I went into the hospital at 4cm and almost completely effaced at around 5:30 pm. I requested to be checked around midnight and was 8cm and completely effaced, but during the exam, my water broke, and I made it to 10cm in the next half hour. It felt like I had pushed forever, and aside from her being sunny-side-up, they couldn’t figure out why I was having such a hard time delivering her. When she was born at 2:51 am, my midwife said she had her arm up by her head, which is why it was so difficult.

Having a natural birth was empowering, and I’d never felt so strong or beautiful as I did in the moments after meeting our daughter.

My advice for having a natural birth is to do your research! Breathing techniques, different positions, calming music, and a birth plan were all strategies I implemented to set myself up for success. Find out what works for you, and do it!”

You can check out her website here!

7. Dani from Diapers In Paradise says:

“With my second daughter, I had gestational diabetes – which usually means a hospital birth – but it was well-controlled, so we planned for the birth center. That was until 3 weeks before my due date, when my numbers suddenly spiked. I could either wait until the following week to get in with an OB or try for the “midwives’ induction”: castor oil.

My midwife used the castor oil sparingly, in two small doses. My doula, who lived an hour away, chose to stay the night at my house that night.

I fell asleep having close together, but painless, contractions. I woke an hour later to my water breaking, followed immediately by a super intense contraction. My husband called the midwife, but my doula, after timing me, quickly interrupted their conversation to tell the midwife to “get to the birth center!”

My midwife and I both live 15 minutes away from the birth center, in opposite directions. The contractions were long and intense, and halfway there, I felt the need to push! My husband and I were the first to arrive at the birth center parking lot, where I did what came naturally – I got on the pavement on all fours. My doula (who drove separately) ran up and told me to get into my SUV’s hatchback instead, and prepared to catch the baby there if needed. I was confused – I’d only been having real contractions for 20 minutes!

A minute later my midwife arrived and rushed me into the birth center, where I laid down on the bed and started to push. I started to doubt having an unmedicated birth – this was so painful! Could I handle the next few hours?

Then my midwife said, “Okay, one more push should do it!”

Wait, what?! But that was my first push!

And lo and behold, four minutes inside the birth center, my daughter was born. I caught her in my hands, as planned, but was shocked to see her still in her amniotic sac. Because of the speed of things, after the initial break, her sac had essentially resealed itself, and she was born with her upper half in the caul.

Two hours later, we were back home after our wonderful whirlwind of a birth. My advice to any woman planning an unmedicated birth: expect the unexpected, things never happen how you plan!”

You can check out her website here!

8. Jess from Simplified Motherhood says:

“According to the nurses, my natural labor was only 45 min long…talk about 3rd baby. Here’s my story!
3 days after my son’s due date… we were getting ready for my 41-week appointment when my contractions all of a sudden began! I nonchalantly told my husband we should go to Labor & Delivery… not our appointment. He was slightly startled because I was so nonchalant. But he knew my labors are traditionally pretty fast (12 hours and 6 hours for Little One and Little Two… from the start of contractions to end).
When we arrived at L&D, the nurse thought I was there for a scheduled induction. She gave me quite the dubious look when I said I was having contractions. Always trust a mom of 3! 10:00ish: The nurse checked my cervix – I was 4 cm. 11:15: The nurse came back in and said my OB recommended I labor until 12 and if no progression, I would be released to labor at home for a natural birth. Nooooooo. I want to mention at this point that they still had not put a heplock in or even checked me into the hospital because they weren’t 100% sure I was in labor.
My nurse’s threat must have motivated him. A couple of minutes after the nurse left the room my contractions really started getting stronger and closer together. I labored mostly on a labor ball with wireless monitors attached! Taking deeeeep breaths and moaning really helped – even though I probably sounded crazy! At 11:40, 20 minutes after threatening to kick us out, the nurse came in and said she actually wanted to check me. I was 7 cm! Within 15 minutes I was a full 10 cm and I was ready to push! My doctor barely arrived in time.
Pushing is such a relief if you’ve been trying to hold it in for any amount of time! I bore down for 5-6 contractions. On the last one, I was determined to get him out. I love it when the nurses say “With this next contraction you’re probably going to have a baby!” It always gives me extra motivation! On the last contraction, I pushed 3-4 times and I finally felt him slip all the way out. The nurse cried, “Look, look!” And I sobbed with relief and joy as they put him on my chest! My sweet little one was born healthy and beautiful at 12:24 PM! As my placenta was being delivered, I was officially “checked-in” to the hospital  Epilogue: My nurse said they only consider labor “starting” after 6-cm, which is why my labor was considered only 45 minutes!

If you’d like to read some last minute items to throw in your hospital bag or other helpful tips for new moms, my mission is to help moms save time, stress less, and live life more abundantly.”

9. Melody from Slow and Homesteady says:

“At 37 weeks to the day, my husband and I went to the hospital where we had had all of our prenatal appointments. In Nicaragua, that’s just how they do things. They decided to do an ultrasound and found that our little girl was only measuring 33 weeks despite having been normal at her 32-week ultrasound.

So instead of going shopping after our “quick” appointment, I was admitted to the hospital and they induced me the following morning. I’m not sure what medication they used, but it was a small pill inserted into the cervix which hurt more than the actual birth.

Contractions started almost immediately, but they weren’t strong and I didn’t dilate for the first 24 hours. Finally, on the morning of Christmas Eve, things started moving. By 11:30 am, contractions were strong enough to hurt and coming every 2 – 3 minutes.

I was 3 centimeters dilated at that point, and the doctor promised to come back to check on me in a “couple of hours.” Thank God she wasn’t late!

Right at 1:30 pm, she came back and had a crew with her. I was already 7 centimeters dilated and my body had started pushing without me doing anything. I called my husband (who was not allowed to be with me at all) to come down to the labor and delivery waiting room.

By the time they got me hooked up to the IV and almost had the fetal monitor in place, I could feel intense pressure and the doctor declared me already at 8 centimeters. As I was rushed into the delivery room, my water broke.

Everything was a blur. They barely got me into position on the bed before the doctor was urging me to push. All I remember is hearing my phone ringing in the pocket of one of the nurses as my husband tried calling to figure out what was going on and that everything was super intense.

Our baby was born at 1:45 pm. She was small (5 pounds, 3 ounces and 19 inches long), but perfectly healthy. Although it was certainly crazy and nothing like I had imagined it, it was an incredible feeling and I know now I wouldn’t ever have a medicated birth.”

You can check out her website here!

10. Christina from C’MON MAMA says:

“I’m a Mom of 2 and had an epidural with both of my deliveries…or so I thought. I had an epidural with my first, so going into labor with my second I knew what to expect, how quickly it takes effect, and what it feels like. Except it felt totally different. It was a much more intense experience and the textbook ring of fire was…well, let’s just say it was LIT. I didn’t feel that with my first.

They adjusted my epidural several times but I never got numb anywhere. With my firstborn, I had them dial down the epidural because I wanted to feel enough to be able to push. With my second labor feeling so different, I just chalked it up to the fact that of course, every labor doesn’t feel the same. After I delivered a healthy baby girl, they were tending to me and when I leaned forward so they could take the epidural out, I saw the nurse and my husband (who happens to be a surgeon) exchange a shocked look. I asked, “What? What is it?” The epidural had fallen out completely.

So, I had an unintended fully natural birth with my second. And it was—dare I say it—totally doable. Not something I want to do all the time, but definitely doable. More than anything, I felt incredibly intense stinging. So, if I can do it without even planning or preparing to, trust me, you can do it, too. You got this, Mamas.”

You can check out her website here!

11. Brooke from Simply Well Family says:

“After an early morning trip to the restroom, at 39 weeks pregnant, I was getting back in bed when I felt a small gush of fluid between my legs. Trying to contain my excitement, knowing full well that I could be in for hours of early labor, I got out of bed to confirm that my water had broken. I wasn’t having regular contractions yet, so I put a sanitary pad on and laid back down in bed to rest.

Within a few hours, our two young boys were awake and ready to play. My contractions were still not regular, so I sent my partner out to the store to pick up some Clary sage essential oil, which can be wonderful to get contractions going. While I showered and ate, I diffused Clary sage. My contractions kept coming, but very sporadically. There was no real pattern.

Finally, 12 hours later, I went to the hospital where I was planning to deliver. The doctor confirmed that my water had broken, I was 2cm dilated, and that baby was in an excellent position to dilate my cervix.

Once I got to my labor and delivery room we began diffusing the clary sage again, used a breast pump to stimulate my uterus, and had my partner apply Clary sage to specific acupressure points on my body. Nothing was working and a feeling of defeat was coming upon me. After my water had been broken for 21 hours, I had only dilated to 3cm. I agreed to try Pitocin to get my contractions going. Within minutes strong regular contractions started to come over me in waves.

At first, I was able to guide myself, as I breathed and moaned through each contraction. The contractions continued to come stronger and more frequently. I found that I felt more comfortable standing, leaning forward, as I quietly, yet deeply moaned through each contraction. Less than 4 hours later I began experiencing excruciating pain to my backside along with my contractions. I decided I had enough and I wanted pain medication. I was no longer moaning and groaning through contractions, I felt defeated, again.

At that point, the nurse asked if she could do a cervical check. As soon as I laid on my side she called my partner over and said: “daddy, see there, that’s the head”. I had breathed my baby all way down the birthing canal! Within minutes the entire delivery team was entering the room, introducing themselves to me. My mind was still in the “I can’t do this anymore” state and I had to shift to an “it’s time to push” state.

I gathered myself together, and in less than 4 pushes, our beautiful VBAC rainbow baby was born. As the midwife caught my baby, she said to me “mama, open your eyes”. I looked at this new life, that I had brought into the world, and quietly exclaimed, with wonder and surprise, “it’s a girl!” as she was laid onto my chest.


My top piece of advice for the mama wanting to have an unmedicated birth is to get through each contraction, one at a time. Don’t think about when the next one is coming, focus on the here and now. Then when you feel like you just can’t do it, know that you ARE doing it! One contraction at a time, you are doing it.”

You can check out her website here!

12. Lyndsey from Bomb Dot Mom says: 

“I planned to have an un-medicated birth out of extreme fear of epidural and just sheer grit.  My pregnancy went pretty smoothly until about a week before Blaire’s due date. My blood pressure started to spike.  I really didn’t want to get induced and was scared. I started doing more meditation and acupuncture which seemed to help.  Labor started the night before her due date. At midnight I woke up to pee and couldn’t go back to sleep I was so uncomfortable.  About 4 am I told hubby I think we should go. I was at the hospital and checked in at 5 am. I was at 5cm. My doula arrived at 6 am.  Contractions never let up, no breaks. around 7:30 am was at 10cm. Water still hadn’t broken. Pushed for a couple of hours which was brutal and Blaire was born at 9:56 am.  The aftermath of stitching up a labia tear and 2nd-degree tear was painful and distracting, something I wasn’t prepared for. Was I happy I did it that way…Yes! Would I change anything… I don’t think so.  Would I do it the same way again? I think so, but I honestly don’t know.”

*You can check out her article on preparing for a natural birth here

13. Lizzie from Holistically Lizzie says:  

“I just knew I wanted a natural birth, it fits completely with my entire lifestyle as a holistic nutrition coach & yoga teacher.

No two births are the same & I can be a witness to that! Although my first child took quite a while to arrive into this world the experience of my second born was completely different. I was afraid, I mean who isn’t? But when those tightenings started I couldn’t wait to meet my little boy. I choose a hospital setting as the country where I live doesn’t allow home births. I actually changed hospitals the day before I gave birth as I felt more confident with the hospital team! #blameitonthehormones

As my contractions grew closer I was taken into a dim room with one midwife who supervised me. I had requested dim lights, minimal staff and had gone through my birth plan, not only with my obstetrician but with my partner & mother. I had so many resources this time for what to expect that I had even written a blog post on what to do and printed it off for my husband to remind me! (As you can tell I like to be organized!) When times were hard, my mom and partner supported me through it. The midwife left me to it because I had only just arrived and she was expecting me to labor for a while longer. I was on all fours over the bed, breathing through my contractions.

I practiced my Hypnobirthing techniques and was listening, with wireless headphones (total game changer by the way) to relaxing music. Out of nowhere, I felt my waters break. I was anticipating contractions for much longer but then all of a sudden I felt the urge to push. I felt it again although this time I felt my baby move through me. It wasn’t scary, it was happening and with another push, he was out. My body had done all the work, I didn’t need to do anything, I just went with the flow.

I had gone from 3 centimeters dilated to the birth of my son within a 2 hour period! Instantly the contractions were over and I was holding my baby. I had requested delayed cord clamping so I could hold him and he could get more oxygen and nutrients. It was the most magical time that I will never forget. I embraced the moment of pure love with my son.

My top tips for a natural birth

  • Learn Hypnobirthing. It is essential for helping you and your partner understand birth and how to do it naturally
  • Be prepared that birth doesn’t always go to plan and know that it’s ok
  • Know that you’re body is designed to do this! It knows exactly what to do, trust it!
  • Remind yourself that it’s just a matter of hours before it will all be over and you will be holding your baby in your arms
  • Having a homebirth, particularly in a pool can dramatically decrease the need for medication.
  • Relaxation is THE most important thing to remember for a quick and stress free birth
  • A hospital birth can still be natural and relaxed but make sure your birth plan and what you do/don’t want is clear with the medical team that will be assisting you
  • Don’t compare birth stories, your own or with other people

You can do this mama!”

You can check out her website here!

14. Julie from Go Green Mamas says:

“On my due date, I woke to cramping. I got up, and they disappeared. Several hours later, contractions returned. I breathed into them along with pelvic rocking. As they gained in intensity/proximity, I would get down on all fours, and my husband applied counterpressure.

At 8 minutes apart, I called my doula. I was able to talk through contractions, so she instructed me to eat and go back to sleep. I called her back at 6 minutes apart and she said  I was to call back at 4 minutes apart; and a few hours later, we arrived at the hospital. I had dilated to 8 centimeters, but my behavior seemed more of a 2 or a 3. It surely wouldn’t be long till time to push. My husband and the doula massaged me during contractions, and then I would rest on the heating pad. Several hours later, I was still at 8 centimeters.

We continued for a few more hours until the next check, and I broke into tears to learn I was still at 8!. My doula gave me a pep talk; and we switched back to laboring on all fours, which resulted in my water breaking. I later learned they had been close to either breaking my water or administering Pitocin.

My contractions became quicker and more intense, and I felt a true urge to push. Finally, I was fully dilated. Shifts changed, and the new nurse made pushing sound challenging, also pointing out that there was stool in the way.

I chose to use the squat bar for pushing. I couldn’t figure out how to push, so the nurse lay her finger against my cervix, and that guided me. After laboring for 30 hours, I was so ready to be done that I pushed hard. They reminded me to wait for contractions. I felt intense burning and pressure, but I pushed through it and she came out in five contractions.

I was so exhausted and relieved, that I lost consciousness for a minute. There was concern about her oxygen levels since she wasn’t crying, but the pediatric staff quickly resolved her situation, and I was able to hold her. I am so glad I was able to get through childbirth without any assistance from medications or other interventions. It made me feel so powerful and capable to manage the pain using only the strength of my mind and body.”

You can check out her website here!

15. Saranya from One Fine Wallet says:

“My two little girls were born from an unmedicated natural delivery. I was very scared with my first daughter as it was my first experience. I knew right from the start I wanted to have a normal childbirth experience without any medication or epidural.

My main aim through the entire procedure was to stay focused. Lots of breathing and lots of concentration. I knew about the long term complications from using epidural, and so I wanted everything to go as naturally as possible. While it can be a tiring experience, it’s well worth the effort. I would have never wanted it any other way.”

You can check out her website here!

We hope these natural birth stories help motivate you and prepare you for your childbirth journey!

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Kayla is the content creator over at She is a wife and mother who loves to share all of the tips, tricks, and life lessons that she has learned over the years with all of her readers. Her primary focus is on children’s education, motherhood, and healthy family relationships!

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