The holidays are my favorite time of year. What better time to be thankful, and show kindness to the world than by spending time with our families and giving gifts to one another. When this time a year rolls around, there are some holiday traditions that you just have to do! Here are some that my family never misses out on!
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10 Traditions to Try With Your Family During Christmas
1. Making Christmas Cookies
Growing up, I don’t think there was ever a year we didn’t make sugar cookies, and decorate them.
We went the full nine yards! Cookie cutters, sprinkles, frosting, everything! Each of the kids would pick one of there cookies to leave for Santa on Christmas Eve, along with a glass of milk and some carrots for his reindeer.
2. Decorating the Tree
From tinsel, to ornaments, to the star… there’s so much decorating to be done! I was the kid who spent an hour putting everything on the tree, and another hour trying to make it symmetrical and “perfect”.
It was always a team effort getting the star all the way to the top of the tree, but we did it!
If you’re feeling brave, you can get a permit to go pick and cut down your own Christmas tree!
3. Open a Present on Christmas Eve
Some people just let their kids pick any present to open. But one of our special holiday traditions is we have a certain present set aside just for Christmas Eve.
It has a pair of jammies, hot cocoa, maybe a game or a movie and some popcorn. Our family gets in our pj’s early and watches a movie together, or plays a game!
4. Writing a Letter to Santa
If you do this early enough, you will know exactly what your kids want for Christmas!
Also, your kids will be on their best behavior in hopes to receive what they’ve asked for. Take advantage of it while you can!
Check out this super cute Letter to Santa Kit on Amazon!
*Don’t forget to check out our other Christmas articles: 100+ Christmas Gift Ideas and the Ultimate List of Stocking Stuffers!
5. Building a Snowman
Playing in the snow is just a must! When I was a kid we always made snowmen, pretty original right? Well, my husbands family didn’t care for snowmen, they prefer to make igloos. And those are fun too! They’re nice to use as protection during an intense snowball fight!
These snowman building kits are awesome!
6. Having Christmas Dinner
I think having dinner as a family is important, but it’s also important to have a few dinners a year that are just that much more special. Like on Birthdays, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. These dinners are when you really press the importance of gratitude and thankfulness.
You can also take the time to have your whole family taking part in making the dinner so that they can truly appreciate the time and effort that goes into preparing for a family dinner. This is one of my favorite holiday traditions!
7. Performing 25 Random Act of Kindness
If there is one thing that I want my children to be, it is kind. I think it is so important to be kind to others, no matter what. You never know what people are going through.
A lot of people try to perform a random act of kindness around the holidays. But, if you were to push your children to perform an act of kindness, no matter how small, each day of December leading up to Christmas, it will start to become a habit. Being kind for no reason other than to be kind, will become the norm.
8. Watching a Christmas Movie
Cuddling up on the couch, wearing pj’s, wrapped in a blanket, drinking hot cocoa and watching a movie… sounds good right? Yes!
Maybe it’s on the night before Christmas, the day of, or some random winter day when it’s too snowy to leave the house. Some of the best movies are Polar Express, Elf, The Santa Claus, A Christmas Story, and of course, How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
9. Decorating a Gingerbread House
A lot of kids like to decorate a gingerbread house. I, on the other hand, had a love-hate relationship. I have slight OCD, okay… a little more than slight. That being said, decorating the house “correctly” was difficult. But you better believe I did it, and I was very proud of it after! Every bead of candy symmetrical to the one on the opposing side and each crease of the house filled will a thin straight line of icing to accentuate and define all of the windows and doors. It was beautiful!
10. Going Sledding
There’s nothing like dressing in full snowsuits and jumping on a sled to see how fast you can get going down the biggest hill in your city. Luckily, your suit is the consistency of a marshmallow, so when you crash into someone or fall off your sled, it’s usually fine! Our city has a park with a huge hill that forms a circle, so basically, it’s a giant bowl. Perfect for sledding! So much fun.
*Don’t forget to check out our other Christmas articles: 100+ Christmas Gift Ideas and the Ultimate List of Stocking Stuffers!
What holiday traditions does your family enjoy doing? Let us know in the comments!
Kayla is the content creator over at She is a wife and mother who loves to share all of the tips, tricks, and life lessons that she has learned over the years with all of her readers. Her primary focus is on children’s education, motherhood, and healthy family relationships!
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