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Tips and tricks for getting through the toddler years! Toddlers can be stubborn, strong-willed little humans that make you want to rip your hair out at the same time that you just can’t get enough of their cute little self. #Toddlerhood

From potty training, independence, and discipline, this page has it all!


8 Genius Toddler Hacks You’ve Never Heard Of

parenting hacks for toddlers, toddler hacks,Having a toddler is one of the most exciting, and completely exhausting things you will go through as a parent.

They are needy, yet independent. They are sassy, but still so sweet. And they will make you crazy! Your only chance of survival is to do things to help even out the chaos.

These parenting hacks for toddlers saved my sanity! [Read More…]








Potty Training Tips and Tricks for Even the Most Stubborn Toddlers

potty training, potty training tips, potty training boy, potty training girk, potty training chart, potty training rewards, tips for potty training, signs your child is ready to potty train, potty trainPotty training is one of the first big steps in kids going from baby to toddler. It’s frustrating, long, and miserable, but it is oh so rewarding.

It’s also so bittersweet. It’s proof that your little baby isn’t a baby anymore.

This article is filled with tips and tricks for getting your child to potty train quickly and permanently.  [Read More…]






15 Tips for Disciplining Children – Even the Most Stubborn Toddlers

discipline techniques, how to discipline children, tips for disciplining childrenAt some point in every parent’s life, disciplining children can be a struggle.  Through these 15 discipline techniques, you and your children can work together to see what works best for you.

Even the most strong-willed toddlers are capable of benefiting from discipline, but only if you can find a form of discipline that works well for your child! [

[Read More…]

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