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19 Adorable New Baby Quotes for Expecting Parents

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There’s nothing quite as exciting as welcoming a new baby into your family. A baby brings such immense joy and love into your home. They are truly nothing short of a blessing. These new baby quotes are great at expressing the feelings you have as you await the arrival of your sweet baby. 

19 Heart-Warming New Baby Quotes 

“A baby is a blessing. A gift from heaven above, a precious little angel to cherish and love.”

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There is no better way to describe a baby than by saying they are a blessing and a gift. A perfect, innocent child full of love couldn’t possibly come from anywhere other than heaven. 

“A baby is born with a need to be loved and never outgrows it.”

– Frank A. Clark
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Just as the baby needs to be loved, so does the child, and the adult. The desire to feel loved is a human experience that starts from birth and doesn’t go away. 

“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.”

– Osho Rajneesh
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It’s amazing to think that birthing your child is a rebirth for you as well. Being a mother is entirely different than what life was like before you had your baby. It changes you in so many wonderful ways. 

“A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.”

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A baby turns your life upside down. In many ways, life will get more challenging than before. But life will also become so much more joy-filled, and that makes the challenges worth facing. 

“A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty.”

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It seems as if your heart grows after you have a baby. It didn’t feel empty before, but after your baby arrives, it feels like it’s so full that it’s going to burst.

“A new baby is like the beginning of all things – wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.”

– Eda J. LeShan
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Bringing life into this world is the beginning of so many things. That child has the potential to do so many things, the world will be blessed with their presence. 

“A baby is sunshine and moonbeams and more. Brightens your world as never before.”

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Babies are the ultimate light in your life. They light up your world in ways that nothing else can. It’s a light that you simply can’t imagine going out once it’s come on. 

“The littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts.” 

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It’s incredible that such a small, helpless little human can have the greatest impact on you. The impression they leave on you is larger than life. 

“The birth of a baby is not only a rebirth for the child but also for the parents. It’s a chance to start anew with an added blessing.”

new baby quotes, quotes about having a baby, pregnancy quotes

With every new baby you add to your life, you’re renewing yourself as a parent as well. Every child is different. You will have to learn to parent all over again.

“Babies are like little suns that, in a magical way, bring warmth, happiness, and light into our lives.”

– Kartini Diapari-Oengider
new baby quotes, quotes about having a baby, pregnancy quotes

The sun is such a great metaphor for a baby. It’s something that is with us each day, but we don’t realize just how much it does for us. The warmth and joy is a gift. 

“A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on.”

– Carl Sandburg
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God wouldn’t bless you with a child if he didn’t think you were capable of being the best parent for that child. Believe in yourself the way God believes in you.

“Every child begins the world anew, bringing love, joy, and endless possibilities.”

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Each child born will have a significant influence on the world. They add nothing but love, joy, and many possibilities for the future. 

“A baby is a bit of stardust blown from the hand of God.”

– Barretto
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Having a baby is magical. Thanks to God, and His gift to us to allow us to have children, we get to experience this magic that is parenting. 

“A baby’s cry is precisely as serious as it sounds.”

– Jean Liedloff
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A crying baby can be frustrating, but imagine how frustrating it is for a baby who has no means of communicating that something is wrong besides crying, and you don’t understand what the problem is. 

“A baby is a bridge to the future, a link to the past, and a reminder of the love that makes life worth living.”

new baby quotes, quotes about having a baby, pregnancy quotes

Having a baby makes you view the world entirely different. They are linked to the past, but they are also the fate of the future. They make life, and all of the trials that come with it, worth living through. 

“A baby is the greatest joy, the ultimate blessing, and a wonderful miracle.”

new baby quotes, quotes about having a baby, pregnancy quotes

There isn’t another source of joy or happiness that compares to that you feel from having a sweet baby in your life. It’s a miracle we must not take for granted. 

“The moment a baby is born, the world changes instantly. It becomes softer, more beautiful, and filled with love.”

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A baby entering into the world changes not only the lives of the parents and family but the fate of the world. Who knows what effect that baby will have on the future? 

“A baby is proof that life goes on, and that there is always a new beginning.”

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Even on the days that it feels like the world is falling apart and coming to an end, new life is coming into the world. Each one brings hope and joy. 

“Sometimes the littlest things take up the most room in your heart.”

– A. A. Milne
new baby quotes, quotes about having a baby, pregnancy quotes

It’s amazing that such a small little thing, like a baby, can take up every ounce of space in your heart, and affect you so deeply. They are more powerful than we realize. 

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Final Thoughts On These New Baby Quotes

We hope you enjoyed all of these quotes about having a baby, pregnancy quotes, and quotes for expecting parents and moms. They are all great at putting into words what it’s like to add a new baby to your family. Be sure to share these quotes about babies with other parents or expecting parents who might enjoy them! 

Kayla is the content creator over at She is a wife and mother who loves to share all of the tips, tricks, and life lessons that she has learned over the years with all of her readers. Her primary focus is on children’s education, motherhood, and healthy family relationships!

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