The second trimester is SO fun. You start getting a baby belly, and you get to find out the gender, do a cool anatomy scan that’s SUPER amazing. It’s seriously the best! But, there is so much that happens during this time. So make sure you have all of these second trimester must haves, they will make your life much easier.
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9 Super Awesome Second Trimester Must Haves
1. Pregnancy Pillow
Pregnancy pillows are so cool! Sleeping while pregnant is not fun, for so many reasons. So anything you can do to make sleeping less awful, you should take full advantage.
It’s nice to have a pillow under your head, a pillow on your side to rest your belly on, one on the other side for the 3,247 times you flip over every night, and one between the knees is nice too!
That’s why pregnancy pillows are so great, it’s one pillow doing the job of 4!
2. Pregnancy Approved Meal Plan and Exercise Routine
It’s never too late to start taking care of your body! It’s important to fuel your body with the proper nutrients, not only for your health but for your baby’s health too. A lot of people think they shouldn’t exercise while pregnant, but it’s actually the opposite. As long as you aren’t in a unique, high risk situation, and your doctors gives you the all clear, exercise away!
My readers really enjoy this Belly-Only Pregnancy Program. It has pregnancy approved exercise and diet regimens. The creator is a pre/postnatal exercise specialist who studied nutrition and physical therapy. Also, if you grab the belly only pregnancy program, she gives you a special promo code to her postpartum program as well!
3. Pregnancy Flakes
Pregnancy Flakes are bath salts specifically designed to help with pregnancy aches and pains, nausea, stress, and more! Seriously genius! I just found out they also have a eucalyptus scent that’s for general women’s wellness, so I will be trying that out soon!
*Don’t forget to get your Pregnancy To-Do List for All Three Trimesters!
4. Maternity or Loose Clothing/ Comfy clothes
It’s not entirely necessary to buy a ton of maternity clothes. They can be pricey, and you only use them for a little while. If you’re pregnant in the summer, maxi dresses are great! If you’re pregnant in the winter, leggings and stretchy pants are the way to go, along with big t-shirts and loose blouses.
It’s also nice to have a couple maternity clothing items, so if you want to go out and NOT look homeless, you can wear those. I would definitely check somewhere like Ross or Amazon before going to a maternity store, because the price difference can be crazy.
Alos, sports bras are a must! You don’t want to get nursing bras yet , because when your milk comes in your breasts will be bigger. But you want something stretchy enough that it will continue to fit all the way up until the end.
It’s never too early to start taking a childbirth class! The longer you have to prepare, the more ready you will feel.
5. Moisturizers
During pregnancy, it can be common for women’s skin to be significantly drier. So getting a good moisturizer is important. Actually, multiple moisturizers if you’re feeling fancy! One for your face, one for your belly to help with stretch marks, and one for the rest of your body.
For the face, I’m just so biased for the Pond’s face moisturizer. I love it so much. For the belly, there are SO many options. But one of the best rated, clinically proven to be effective brands is Bio Oil. For a full body moisturizer, Mama Mio is awesome!
You may also want to consider using Evertone body smoothing products, which are safe to use during pregnancy. Their stretch mark-reducing routine will help you diminish the appearance of stretch marks by exfoliating, stimulating skin renewal, and brightening, all while keeping skin supple and hydrated.
6. Pregnancy Planner
Even though you’ve made it to the second trimester, there is still A LOT to plan! I love this in depth pregnancy planner! This planner has 50+ resources! From to-do lists, to provider questionnaires, to pre-baby and postpartum checklists, to labor and delivery prep sheets and newborn care sheets… this planner has it all!
7. Maternity Photoshoot
Somewhere between the end of the second trimester and a little ways into the third trimester is the perfect time to do maternity photos! Your belly is cute and it’s very apparent you’re pregnant, but you’re not huge yet so it’s a lot more comfortable.
If you’re going to do a maternity shoot, plan ahead to make sure you can find a photographer before it’s too late, or else it’ll be a newborn shoot, rather than a maternity shoot!
*Don’t forget to check out our guide to having a baby on a budget!
8. Comfortable Shoes
Pregnancy really does take a toll on your body, and one thing that starts to become painful and irritating is your feet. So a pair of comfortable shoes is a must!
Depending on the time of year that you’re in your second and third trimester, you’re going to want a comfy pair of tennis shoes and a pair of cushioned sandals, especially for those swollen ankles!
*Make sure you’ve already got your 1st Trimester Must Haves AND your 3rd Trimester Must Haves!
9. Compression Socks
Speaking of swollen ankles, compression socks are really great! They can help prevent blood clots and pooling. Both of these things have a higher likelihood during pregnancy due to your growing uterus and pregnancy hormones!
Compression socks are also great for helping reduce swelling and improve circulation. Here’s an article of the best compression socks for pregnancy.
Bonus Must Have: Pregnancy & Birth Positive Affirmation Cards
These cards are great for lowering anxiety and mentally preparing for labor and delivery, no matter what your birth plans might be!
What did you think of these second trimester must haves?
What would you add to this list? Do you have any of them already? We love to read comments from our readers so please comment below!
*Don’t forget to check out some of our other pregnancy related articles!
- All-In-One Diet & Exercise Routine for Minimal Weight Gain During Pregnancy
- 400+ Super Cute Baby Names for Boys and Girls
- 1st Trimester Must Haves & 3rd Trimester Must Haves
Kayla is the content creator over at She is a wife and mother who loves to share all of the tips, tricks, and life lessons that she has learned over the years with all of her readers. Her primary focus is on children’s education, motherhood, and healthy family relationships!