While having a child of any gender is special, and the biggest blessing you will ever receive, having a boy is much different than having a girl. A parent-son relationship is something everyone deserves to have, whether it’s your biological son, adopted son, or just a boy who holds a special place in your heart. These National Sons Day quotes express just how lucky every parent is to have a son and just how special that son is to them
19 Quotes About Having A Son That Every Parent Will Find True
“A son is a mother’s most precious treasure.”
There’s nothing like a mother-son relationship. When you’re pregnant with your son, everyone tells you how special and different you will feel, but you don’t know until you get to experience it firsthand.
“Sons are the anchors of a father’s life.”
Every father deserves a son to teach and inspire. Whether that son is blood-related or not, a man deserves to have a boy who looks up to him, and every boy deserves a father figure to look up to.
“A son is a gift that lasts a lifetime.”
A child is the most precious gift we will ever receive. It’s something you can’t explain or understand until you get to experience it for yourself.
“A son may outgrow your lap but will never outgrow your heart.”
It’s the most bittersweet feeling in the world to have your child outgrow your lap. Watching them grow brings so much joy, and yet you want them to stay little forever at the same time.
“Having a son is like letting your heart walk around outside your body.”
After you have your baby, you realize that it’s like they took your heart with them. They are all you can think about, all you care about, and you would give anything to protect them and make them happy.
“Sons are the joy of a father’s heart and the pride of a mother’s soul.”
This is the reason that people call their children their pride and joy! You’re proud of them for the person they are becoming each day, and they bring you endless joy with every new day.
“A son is a reflection of his father’s dreams and a mother’s love.”
A father has so many hopes and dreams for his son. He always hopes for his son to be an even better man than he is. A mother has nothing but pure, unconditional love for her son.
“The love between a mother and her son is unbreakable.”
The term ‘mama’s boy’ was created because it is well known that a mother and her son have a special bond unlike any other. It’s a different kind of love that you can only know from experience.
“Sons may grow into men, but they will always be their mother’s little boy.”
No matter how old a son gets, he will always be his mother’s baby. She will always have that sense of love, protection, and care for him. He will always hold a truly special place in her heart.
“A son is a blessing that brings endless happiness.”
It takes nothing for a son to bring his parents joy. It could be as simple as a smile, a hug, or even just watching him sleep peacefully for his parents to be filled with joy from him.
“A son is a ray of sunshine on even the darkest days.”
Life is full of trials and hardships. But the love of a son has the power to uplift you on even the hardest days. One smile, hug, or even some time together can bring you the joy that you need.
“A son is a bridge to the future, a link to the past, and a joy for the present.”
Having a son will make you always think to the future about what could be, reminisce on the past and the wonderful memories, and enjoy the present moments with him, all at the same time.
“A son is a father’s chance to give the world a better man than he was.”
One hope that every father has for his son is that he will grow to be an even better man than he was. He will do his best to guide and teach his son, and hope that he will continue to better himself as he grows.
“The bond between a father and son is forged in love and strengthened through time.”
After your child is born, you think you can’t possibly love them anymore. But somehow, each day it feels as if you love them more and more. It’s like your heart grows a little bit, and you can fit even more love in there.
“Sons may inherit the earth, but they inherit their values from their parents.”
It’s essential that we teach our sons which values are important in life so that they can make good choices, be good husbands and fathers, and make the world a better place.
“A son’s love is like a compass that guides a father through life’s journey.”
Having a child makes such an impact on a father, it changes them in every way. Their focus, their values, and their heart. It guides them on a path to be a provider, a protector, and an example.
“Sons are the legacy that fathers leave behind.”
A son’s behavior, values, morals, and personality all speak to what kind of father he had. The best thing a father can do for his son is love him, teach him, and set a good example for him to follow.
“A son is a reflection of his parents’ love, hopes, and dreams.”
How a son grows up and the person he becomes typically shows what kind of parents he had. That’s why parents must do their best to set the example they want their sons to follow.
“The love between a father and son is a bond that cannot be broken.”
Fathers are excited to find out that they are going to have a son, but the real joy doesn’t come until they have their son and get to experience that unbreakable bond.
We hope you enjoyed these quotes about having a son as much as we did. Being a mother or a father is the greatest blessing we will ever receive, and how sweet is it that we have a holiday to celebrate how much we love our sons! Be sure to share these quotes with friends and family so they can enjoy them as well.
Kayla is the content creator over at motviationformom.com. She is a wife and mother who loves to share all of the tips, tricks, and life lessons that she has learned over the years with all of her readers. Her primary focus is on children’s education, motherhood, and healthy family relationships!