This 40-page Kids Summer Planner is the perfect printable summer fun activity planner to help kids keep track of all of the fun activities they participate in all summer long, specifically their healthy habits. This kids planner has all of the things kids need to keep track of their memorable summer break!
Click here to check out the Kids Summer Planner!
Here’s what you’ll get in this printable Summer Planner:
-Cover Pages (2)
-Calendar Layouts & Summer At-A-Glance for the Summer Months (2- 2022 & Blank)
-Summer Bucket Lists (3- Checklist, Color In, & Create Your Own)
-Acts of Kindness Checklist (2- Pre-filled & Blank)
-Healthy Habits Tracker (2- Pre-filled & Blank)
-Exercise Tracker
-Reading Tracker
-Summer I Spy Game
-Positive Pep-Talks
-Weekly Reflection Pages (14)
-Journal Pages (5)
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What makes this Summer Planner so cool?
1. Along with the current 2022 summer months (June, July, and August), there are those summer months left blank so you can print them off each year and fill in the correct year and days. If you’d rather have all of the months all on one sheet, there is the Summer At-A-Glance page as well to help keep track of vacations or other notes. Both of these make a great option to have a daily planner as well as a weekly planner, for you or for your children, all summer long.
2. In addition, there is a ‘Positive Pep-Talks’ page, perfect for your children to practice their positive self-affirmations. You can print it on cardstock, cut out each statement, and put it in a bucket or envelope for your child to pick 5 different ones out daily or weekly, or you can frame it and leave it in an area of your home, like their bedroom or bathroom, where they will look at and read it daily. Summers are a great time to gain self-confidence and positive affirmations are a great way to do that!
3. Another great thing about this Kids Summer Planner is that it has 14 different ‘Weekly Reflection’ pages that give kids an opportunity to reflect on how their week went, specifically what happens daily, the funny moments, lessons learned, goals to make, and emotions each week. What’s better is you can 3-hole punch each page and put it in a special binder to keep all of the reflection pages together during the summer & forever! There are also ‘Summer Journal’ pages to add any other special notes or memories!
4. Lastly, this summer fun activity planner has multiple pages that focus on healthy habits. Kids can practice making their own healthy habits or by following habits already created in the planner. They can gain independence by keeping track on their own how much they exercise, read books, their acts of kindness, and all of their healthy habits all summer long.
This is an instant digital download with unlimited prints!
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Kayla is the content creator over at She is a wife and mother who loves to share all of the tips, tricks, and life lessons that she has learned over the years with all of her readers. Her primary focus is on children’s education, motherhood, and healthy family relationships!